Episode 9: Not a Social Person
Episode 8: Too Much Video
Episode 10: The Man in the Cowboy Hat
Episode 7: Toying With Us
Episode 5: A Crash, Not an Accident
Episode 4: The Devil's Bathtub
Episode 3: Alaska Serial Killer
Episode 2: Tapes Don't Lie
Episode 7: Don't Open the Door
Episode 5: Double Identity
Episode 3: Someone You Trust
Episode 1: Ticket to Murder
Episode 4: Driven to Murder
Episode 3: Making A Killing
Episode 2: In My Heart, I Knew
Episode 1: The Tragedy On Tennessee 14
Episode 10: The Cookie Lady
Episode 9: The White Cellphone
Episode 8: Silent Screams
Episode 7: I Loved My Daughter
Episode 6: The Three of Us
Episode 4: Hustle Mart Murders
Episode 3: He's Dead, That's How I Feel
Episode 2: The Rent Check
Episode 4: Headlights and Fire
Episode 3: In His Father's Footsteps
Episode 1: Come Home Carlie
Episode 17: Come Home Sierra
Episode 16: The Girl on the Bus
Episode 12: It Looks Like You
Episode 11: Can I Help You
Episode 8: Hell on Wheels
Episode 7: We Never Fight
Episode 4: All That It Seems
Episode 3: Run for the Door
Episode 2: The Good Samaritan
Episode 12: Life After Midnight
Episode 10: The Blood Trail
Episode 9: Michigan City Murder
Episode 7: Goodnight Jessika
Episode 6: Call Me Back Chris
Episode 5: Id Kill to be You
Episode 4: The Man in the Black Hat
Episode 3: The Lady Vanishes
Episode 2: Run From the Scene
Episode 4: At Michelle's Door
Episode 3: Stalking Cynthia
Episode 2: Seen at Susan's
Episode 1: All Eyes on Jordie
Episode 6: What Happened to Skylar Neese
Episode 5: Mansion Murder Cam
Episode 4: Silent Witness
Episode 3: Neighborhood Watch
Episode 2: View to a Rampage
Episode 1: We See You, Kelsey